Singapore | second highest record dengue cases in 2022

The second highest record of the number of dengue cases in Singapore is in 2022. Singapore’s Ministry of Health has announced 1,814 points until now; the number is expected to rise. This year’s cases figure had reached the highest point since 2010, when there were 2,565 cases recorded.

Dengue fever

Dengue fever is an irresistible infection conveyed by mosquitoes. It causes a severe flu-like illness but can be deadly if not treated.

In Singapore, there were over 16,000 reported cases of dengue in 2022, the second-highest number in history.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) said that dengue fever cases increased from 1,492 in December to 2,235 in January. The ministry attributed this increase to an increasing number of people traveling during the Christmas and New Year holidays. While most people recover completely within 2 weeks, some may experience more severe symptoms such as eye swelling and joint pain (arthralgia).

Case rises in Singapore 1998

Dengue fever has increased in Singapore over the past four years. The National Environment Agency announced a high likelihood of a severe outbreak this year.

More than 2,600 people have been infected with dengue fever in Singapore in less than six months, from January to June 2018. This is the second-highest record number of cases recorded since 1998 when 3,724 cases were reported.

Dengue fever, or Dengvaxia, was first reported on Singaporean soil in 1956 when it arrived from Malaysia and Thailand, according to the National Environment Agency (NEA).

Singapore Health Services Authority

Singapore has a population of 5.6 million and Has the second-highest cases in the country. In 2022.The Republic of Singapore Health Services Authority, reported that 1,021 people were infected with dengue in Singapore in 2022. This number is up from 647 cases reported in the previous year.

This is the first time Singapore has had more than 1,000 cases since 2010 when an epidemic hit it.

How can we cure dengue?

Dengue fever is an irresistible infection conveyed by mosquitoes that can cause flu-like symptoms or severe illness. It usually lasts several days to a week, and there is no cure. Preventing dengue is simple—use insect repellent containing DEET on exposed skin or clothing when outdoors. Use long sleeves and pants when indoors to protect yourself from mosquitoes. Wash bedding weekly or spray clothes before putting them in the dryer to kill any dengue-carrying mosquitoes or other insects that might be present at home or work.

Hotter days and cooler nights are more dangerous

According to Ruklanthi de Alwis, a senior researcher at Duke-NUS Medical School and a specialist in emerging infections, Singapore’s dengue outbreak is the consequence of numerous conditions, including recent warm, rainy weather but a new dominant virus variant. However, she predicted that climate change would worsen the situation.


Per the press release from the Ministry of Health (MOH), the country currently has more cases than in the past, with one death. The MOH says this is because Singapore has more dengue-carrying mosquitoes than other countries. The administration is now developing a strategy to address the issue.

 Precautions and advice

The Ministry of Health has advised all Singaporeans to take precautions during humid weather to prevent the spread of dengue. It causes fever through insect repellent, wearing long pants and sleeves outdoors at night, using insect repellent on skin exposed to rain, or splashing water from swimming pools or fountains that could carry it. Aedes mosquitoes carrying dengue viruses, such as communal toilets near schools or workplaces where children stay after school hours or work shifts start late afternoon till evening or when people are not home during weekends.

Will dengue cases continue to rise in 2023 Singapore?

However, scientists say it’s impossible to forecast if the percentage of cases will continue to rise in 2023.According to Prof Pang, the number of diseases will be determined by factors such as the weather and the efficacy of mosquito monitoring programs.The number of cases registered in Singapore in 2021 was just 5,258. According to Prof Pang, dengue incidences tend to vary yearly since the disease’s occurrence is linked to changes in climate. 

Is dengue dangerous? You need to know

Dengue fever is a virus that causes a flu-like illness. Mosquitoes transmit dengue. Prevention of dengue fever is difficult because mosquitoes can breed in freshwater, old tires, and pot plant saucers.

“dengue” comes from a Swahili word meaning “fever.” The name was first used in 1779 to describe the illness now known as dengue. In the early 20th century, it was confused with malaria and yellow fever because all three are viral fevers spread by mosquitos that cause similar symptoms.

Dengue fever has been thought to be one of the most lethal diseases of humankind for centuries now. According to WHO estimates, dengue fever affects more than 100 million people annually and leads to approximately 390,000 deaths per year globally (1). It’s ranked one of the top five global health threats facing humanity alongside cancer.

 Why is the second dengue more serious?

Those infected again with a different strain of the dengue virus may undergo an “antibody-dependent increase.” This disease arises when the immune reaction aggravates dengue clinical symptoms, raising the chance of severe dengue.

How is Singapore’s dengue treatment different from other countries?

Singapore is not only fighting dengue but also has a mosquito population. Singapore experiences triple the rate of dengue than other countries.

Singapore has taken many measures to fight dengue fever. For one thing, Singapore’s national health program has increased its number of fogging operations by 25%. New anti-mosquito technologies have also been used to decrease the population of mosquitoes in Singapore. These more aggressive tactics will continue until Singapore can combat this problem and reduce the number of infected cases they see each year. In Singapore, there is no vaccine for dengue. The fight against this is concentrated on reducing the mosquito population.

Singapore epidemic

According to experts, the current harsh weather has increased the Singapore epidemic, which may foreshadow what is to come worldwide as more nations endure protracted hot weather periods and thunderous storms that aid in transmitting both mosquitos and the virus they transmit. 

Singapore’s dengue ’emergency’ is a sign of global climate

Singapore has declared a dengue “emergency” as it deals with an unusually early epidemic of the recurring virus this year.Experts have warned that it’s a bleak statistic not only for Singapore, whose tropical environment is a perfect breeding ground for the virus-carrying Aedes mosquitos but also for most of the world. Because of global warming, such epidemics are expected to grow more regularly and extensively in the future.

Southeast Asia has already recorded almost 11,000 cases, significantly above the 5,258 reported in 2021, before June 1, when the high dengue season typically begins.


Dengue cases continue to increase quickly and are projected to stay high in the coming months. Even though the government agency has destroyed significant regions of clusters and made numerous attempts to control the mosquito number, it is still experiencing “effusive mosquito breeding” in several locations. The key question right now is whether politicians and politicians, who will be responsible for taking measures to limit global warming and adapt to its repercussions, will recognize the impact of mosquito-borne illnesses on public health and act.

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